Constipation and Ayurvedic approach towards it.

Constipation is a common condition that affects everyone at some point.  It is an inability to clear out the bowel once a day is termed as constipation. It is characterized by restricted bowel movement. It is generally accomplished by strain during defecation and hard stool. In Ayurveda we termed it as Mala-badhata or Mala-graha.

It is generally common to have a few occasional episodes of constipation but long term it can cause chronic constipation.

General Causes for constipation:

  • Eating inadequate amount of food
  • Irregular eating habits
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor digestive system or Gut issues
  • Inadequate amount of water intake
  • Eating a little amount of good fats like Ghee or oil in food
  • Eating dry or stale food
  • Eating too much preserved food etc.
  • Old age


The common symptoms of constipation if neglected then it can lead to severe complications like,

  • Plies or fissures
  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Pain or cramps in lower limbs especially in the thighs
  • Rectal Bleeding


Ayurveda always focuses on treating root causes rather than just treating the symptoms. At Ayurvidhi Clinic we follow the same principle while treating any kind of illness. Changes in diet and lifestyle help to treat constipation.

Diet Changes:

  • Adding a certain amount of ghee to a regular diet helps to lubricate the intestine and clear the bowel of those who have complaints of hard stool.
  • Including fruits like figs, black-seeded raisins, and papaya can help.
  • Avoiding maida as much as you can and adding whole wheat flour to your diet can help to increase fiber, which helps to overcome constipation.
  • Eat at regular intervals of time making it a complete wholesome food.

Ayurvedic Medicine Treatment or Shaman Chikitsa for constipation:

  • Triphala Churna about three grams at night with lukewarm water can be better for people having Kapha dominancy.
  • Castor Oil about 1 to 2 tablespoons (according to your gut health) with lukewarm water can help people of vaata dominancy.
  • For Pitta dominancy and having complaints of acidity along with constipation Avipattikar Churna 3 gram with warm water can be beneficial.

Panchakarma Therapy:


Basti Chikitsa is usually recommended for improving gut health & clearing the rectum effectively. It not only clears the rectum and flux out the toxins, but it lubricates the inner layer of the rectum and prevents further episodes of constipation.  The Basti lower the vitiated vaata doshas which is one of the main causes for Constipation.

At Ayurvidhi clinic we practice basti treatment to elevate the vaata dosha. We use Niruha Basti (Kadha Basti) and Anuvasana Basti (Tail Basti) alternately to pacify vaata doshas, as a result, reduce the chances of constipation.

Basti Chikitsa is also useful in constipation during pregnancy. It is safe to use and has no any kind of side-effect. It helps to flush out the constipated excreta part and also helps to strengthen the muscles for delivery.


It is advised for patients having severe constipation.  It is a purgation medicine that helps to remove severe adherent toxins or waste material from the colon. It is beneficial for pitta doshas.

It is generally advised to do in Sharad Rhutu (Autumn) as a healthy ritual to do every year to detoxify the body from the ill effects of Pitta imbalance secreted in the body throughout the year.

At Ayurvidhi Clinic Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment Centre we provide the best Ayurvedic treatment and panchakarma therapy.


Do try to do simple exercises to get rid of the constipation naturally.

Suryanamaskar: Doing regular Suryanamaskar helps to stretch the muscles of the abdomen and squeezes internal organs with the right amount of pressure to secrete gastric enzymes to help digestion which also helps bowel movements easily.

Some asanas like Pawan Muktaasan, Padangusthasan, Malasana, Vajrasana, etc. can help treat constipation.

If you are young or you don’t have any knee pain then slow running is the best option for exercise. 10 to 20 minutes of healthy run also keeps your metabolism on track.

As long as you have a good balanced diet with daily moderate exercise along with a good sleep schedule you will be far from constipation.

At Ayurvidhi Clinic Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment Centre we provide the best Ayurvedic & Panchakarma treatment for constipation and other gastric problems.

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Suvarna Prashana

Ayurvedic texts are the source of various ancient medicines along with some unique traditional practices. These practices were originally described in the form of a health regimen which further transferred into rituals. Suvarna Prashana or Suvarna Bindu Prashana is one of them.

It is mentioned as among the Sixteen Sanskar of Hindu Scripture.  These sanskar connected and considered as milestone with many important events in child life during pregnancy (while in the womb), during birth and after birth. These sanskar are done at every particular stage of child’s life as part of achieved milestone which indicates major completion of child growth.

What is Suvarna Prashana?

Suvarna Bindu Prashana is an ayurvedic formulation likewise a tonic for children. 

It is a unique blend mixture of Suvarna Bhasma (purified gold ash), honey, ghee, and herbal extract of various drugs. Suvarna Prashana mainly consists of Suvarna Bhasma, Madhu, Ghruta, and several immunity booster herbs.

Where it is been mentioned?

Suvarna Prashana is mentioned as sanskar in the ancient ayurvedic text of pediatrics, Kashyapa Samhita. Kashyapa Samhita is specially written by Aacharya Kashyapa for child health, their diseases, and the treatments.

He described it in shloka as follows:

सुवर्णप्राशनं हि एतत् मेधाग्निबलवर्धनम्।

आयुष्यं मङ्गलं पुण्यं वॄष्यं वर्ण्यं ग्रहापहम्॥

मासात् परममेधावी व्याधिभिर्नच धष्यते।

षडभिर्मासैः श्रुतधरः सुवर्णप्राशनाद् भवेत्॥

Ref: Kashyap Samhita

Why Suvarna Prashana is important?

It is a unique Ayurvedic practice to build good health and an immune system without causing any side effects. In normal language, it is likewise nowadays vaccination. It is an ayurvedic immunity booster medicine. It comes with the protective properties of Gold, along with the goodness of Ghruta, madhu, and several ayurvedic immunity-boosting herbs.

Why only Suvarna or gold? 

 In the Indian subcontinent, Suvarna, or gold has an auspicious value. Generally, gold is connected with Devas inform of ornaments. The gold has the property of covering and protective mechanism. Suvarna possesses properties like rejuvenation, immunity booster, improves complexion and growth of the body, accelerate growth of the brain & improves memory. It also possesses antioxidant properties and it is very beneficial to relieve oxidative stress. All properties of Suvarna Bhasma are present in the Suvarna Prashana.

What are the Key Ingredients of Suvarna Prashana?

Suvarna Bhasma: Gold is considered very precious in Ayurveda and it would possess properties like madhura, rejuvenation, immunity booster, improves complexion and growth of the body, accelerate growth of the brain and improves memory, also increase digestion power of the body. Gold possesses a lot of antioxidant properties and it is very beneficial for babies who were delivered with difficulty during the process of delivery, oxidative stress to the baby can be relieved with the antioxidant properties of Suvarna Bhasma in the Suvarna prashana.

Ghruta or Ghee: It alleviates Pitta & Vata. It acts as a cooling, softening & improves voice and skin color complexion. It has the potency to carry and accelerate the property of the medicine used with it.

Madhu or Honey: Madhu or Honey has a great tendency to accept, carry and imbibe in various conditions. It accelerates the absorption of the medicine used with it. It also kapha elevates which is a major cause of diseases in children.

Various Herbs: Herbs like VachaShankhapushpi, Brahmi, etc are used in the making of Sauvarna Prashana. These medicines are good for the brain cells and their nourishment. They act as carrier for the above-mentioned medicine to transport them to their actual site of action. They also help to boost the absorption of gold particles in the body. 


Why Pushya Nakshatra?

Pushya Nakshatra is one of the 27 nakshatras in the Nakshatra mandala (constellation). Pushya is derived from the word Pushti which means nourishes. It is considered auspicious due to its nourishing nature. This is selected for the administration of Suvarna prashana to bloom its properties.

Administrative age group:

It is advised for children between the age of 0 to 16 years.

Benefits of Suvarna Prashana:

  • Boosts Immunity
  • Improves Memory & concentration
  • Improves Digestion & Gut Health
  • Prevents recurring Infection
  • Improves Skin tone and hair texture

When it should Be Started?

It can be started at any age of the child group regardless of previous dose history or not. But for better results, it should be given on a regular basis.  

 When to take:

It should be given on an empty stomach preferably in the morning.

Do not have food at least for 30 minutes after the consumption of Suvarna Prashana. 

At Dr. Bathe’s Ayurvidhi Clinic on Porwal Road, we do the Suvarna Prashana is done regularly on every months Pushya Nakshatra.

The Schedule is given as follows:


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Arthritis is a common joint disease faced by numerous people nowadays. Arthritis is a degenerative disease of joints commonly found in old age people, but nowadays people from young age group are also been prone to arthritis. It is characterized by swelling and stiffness in joints.

Types of arthritis

There few types of arthritis which are important to know while treating it.

  1. Osteoarthritis:

It is one of a common type of an arthritis mostly affecting joints and its cartilages. In this the cartilages attached to bones are gradually wore out over the period of time due to various causes. It affects mostly weight bearing joints of the body. Common example is knee joint.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis:

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease. It is a condition in which the immunity cells attacks its own body cell. In this case the immunity cells attacks on cartilages. The symptoms of RA are inflammation of synovial membrane which causes pain and tenderness in joints.

3. Ankylosing Spondylitis:

Ankylosing Spondylitis is a type of arthritis that mainly affects spine and its muscle. It has chronic back pain, stiffness mostly at the junction of ligaments attaches to bone.

4. Psoriatic Arthritis:

Psoriatic Arthritis is an autoimmune joint disorder develops in the patient suffering from Psoriasis. This disease has red and slivery patches on the body.

So, while treating the patients suffering from arthritis it is a big challenge as it is not a condition that completely cures in current scenario. It also has several limitations like use of drugs there are only use for static muscle relaxants for pain relief, using of NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to cure the inflammation are used for long term are the only solutions till now.

Ayurvedic view while treating arthritis 

But ayurveda medicine gives a best way to manage and avoid the further complication associated with arthritis. Ayurveda has a holistic approach while treating arthritis. For the treatment arthritis it is important to understand the nature of disease and the root causes. The Ayurvedic herbal medicines are very effective in reducing the symptoms of the disease and prevent the further deterioration of body. Whereas the panchakarma therapies are effective in regenerate the cartilages cells and improve the health of joints.

At Ayurvidhi Clinic (Ayurvedic Chikitsalaya & Panchakarma Therapy Centre) we offer effective and authentic treatment for arthritis.

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